Our next Superintendents Summit will be June 10-11, 2024, at the Lexington Marriott City Center where we will advance our KASS Legislative Priorities and the Kids FirstKentucky Association of School Superintendents Summer Summit 2024 KY Campaign for the 2025 Legislative Session. We will continue to advocate for a policy landscape that will unleash our schools to provide high quality personalized educational programming. We must prepare and plan a strong policy agenda and advocacy strategy. It is essential superintendents galvanize around shared priorities for education policy in Kentucky! PLEASE make plans to attend both days for an engaging and highly interactive sessions.

The Summit will kick off at 11:30 AM ET on Monday (June 10th). After lunch, we will review and debrief on the 2024 Legislative Session with some key Partner Experts joining us for the discussion. We will also begin formulating priorities for the 2025 legislative session and interim schedule.  A President’s Reception event is planned after the session for networking and fellowship. 

Following Breakfast at 8 AM ET on Tuesday (June 11th), we will have a superintendent strategy session to gain traction with the priorities including educating our communities about the constitutional amendment ballot issue in November.  Finally, Dr. Robbie Fletcher will deliver an address about his service as our new Kentucky Commissioner of Education.  There is a lot of excitement having a Kentuckian and a Superintendent leading the Kentucky Department of Education!  We will adjourn the summit no later than 11:30 AM ET on the 11th.

WE NEED YOU, so make plans to attend!


Register for the Summer Superintendents Summit here.

STEP 2 (If you need overnight accommodations)

Reservations at the Lexington Marriott City Center can be accessed here.

(Make reservation by May 12th to ensure the special rate)

Contact Jim Flynn with any questions, concerns or ideas for making this event impactful for all…