KASS is divided into 17 regions, with each region electing their own regional board member. The regional board members communicate the concerns and issues of Superintendents in his/her region and also communicate from the board to the regional superintendents.


The four officers serve as the Executive Committee and as such are voting members of the Board.

PresidentMr. Alvin Garrison, Covington Independent Schools
President-ElectMr. Charles (CD) Morton, Harlan Independent Schools
Vice PresidentDr. Donald Shively, Paducah Independent Schools
Immediate Past-PresidentMr. Thom Cochran, Johnson County Public Schools
Executive DirectorDr. Jim Flynn (non-voting member of the Board team)

Board of Directors

Map of Regions...
Region 1Mr. Bill ThorpeMarshall County Schools
Region 2Dr. Jeremy RoachCaldwell County Schools
Region 3Dr. Bob LawsonHenderson County Schools
Region 4Ms. Amy ThompsonMonroe County Schools
Region 5Dr. Robin CochranWashington County Schools
Region 6Dr. Buddy BerryEminence Independent Schools
Region 7Dr. Mike StacyBeechwood Independent Schools
Region 8Dr. Marty PollioJefferson County Schools
Region 9Dr. Matt ThompsonMontgomery County Schools
Region 10Ms. Traysea MoreseaGreenup County Schools
Region 11Mr. David TrimblePikeville Independent Schools
Region 12Mr. Kenny BellWolfe County Schools
Region 13Mr. Waylon AllenMiddlesboro Independent Schools
Region 14Dr. Kirk BiggerstaffCumberland County Schools
Region 15Mr. Billy ParkerScott County Schools
Region 16Mr. Dustin HowardClark County Schools
Region 17Dr. Demetrus LigginsFayette County Schools
Member-at-LargeDr. Carrie BallingerRockcastle County Schools